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Liturgical calendar

Local Saints


Jan. 1: Holy Name of Our Lord

Jan. 6: Epiphany of Our Lord

[Jan. 10: William Laud]

Jan. 12: St. Aelred of Rievaulx

Jan. 13: St. Hilary of Poitiers

Jan. 17: St. Antony

Jan. 18: Confession of St. Peter

Jan. 19: St. Wulfstan

Jan. 20: St. Fabian

Jan. 21: St. Agnes

Jan. 22: St. Vincent

Jan. 25: Conversion of St. Paul

Jan. 26: Sts. Timothy & Titus

Jan. 27: St. John Chrysostom

Jan. 28: St. Thomas Aquinas

Feb. 1: St. Brigid (HWHM)

Feb. 2: Presentation of Our Lord

Feb. 3: St. Anskar

Feb. 4: St. Cornelius

Feb. 5: Martyrs of Japan

[Feb. 13: Absalom Jones]

Feb. 14: St. Cyril

[Feb. 21: John Henry Newman (HWHM)]

Feb. 23: St. Polycarp

Feb. 24: St. Matthias the Apostle

[Feb. 27: George Herbert]

Feb. 29: St. John Cassian (HWHM)

Mar. 1: St. David of Wales

Mar. 2: St. Chad of Lichfield

Mar. 7: St. Perpetua & Companions

Mar. 9: St. Gregory of Nyssa

Mar. 12: St. Gregory the Great

Mar. 17: St. Patrick

Mar. 18: St. Cyril of Jerusalem

Mar. 19: St. Joseph

Mar. 20: St. Cuthbert

[Mar. 21: Thomas Ken]

[Mar. 22: James DeKoven]

Mar. 23: St. Gregory the Illuminator

Mar. 25: Annunciation to BVM

[Mar. 29: John Keble]

[Mar. 31: John Donne]

Apr. 3: St. Richard of Chichester

[Apr. 4: Martin Luther King, Jr.]

[Apr. 8: Wm. Augustus Muhlenberg]

[Apr. 9: William Law]

Apr. 19: St. Alphege of Canterbury

Apr. 21: St. Anselm

Apr. 23: St. George of England (HWHM)

Apr. 25: St. Mark the Evangelist

Apr. 29: St. Catherine of Siena

May 1: Sts. Philip & James, Apostles

May 2: St. Athanasius

May 4: St. Monnica

May 8: St. Julian of Norwich

May 9: St. Gregory of Nazianzus

May 19: St. Dunstan

May 20: St. Alcuin

May 25: St. Bede

May 26: St. Augustine of Canterbury

May 27: St. Bertha and St. Ethelbert (HWHM)

May 30: St. Joan of Arc (HWHM)

May 31: Visitation of BVM

Jun. 1: St. Justin Martyr

Jun. 2: St. Blandina & Companions

Jun. 3: Martyrs of Uganda

Jun. 5: St. Boniface

Jun. 9: St. Columba

Jun. 10: St. Ephrem of Edessa

Jun. 11: St. Barnabas the Apostle

Jun. 14: St. Basil the Great

Jun. 22: St. Alban

Jun. 24: Nativity St. John Baptist

Jun. 28: St. Irenaeus of Lyons

Jun. 29: Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles

[Jul. 4: Independence Day]

Jul. 11: St. Benedict

[Jul. 17: William White]

Jul. 19: St. Macrina (HWHM)

Jul. 22: St. Mary Magdalene

Jul. 25: St. James the Apostle

Jul. 26: St. Joachim and St. Anne

Jul. 29: Sts. Mary & Martha of Bethany

Jul. 31: St. Joseph of Arimathea

Aug. 6: Transfiguration

[Aug. 7: John Mason Neale]

Aug. 8: St. Dominic

Aug. 10: St. Laurence

Aug. 11: St. Clare

[Aug. 13: Jeremy Taylor]

Aug. 15: St. Mary the Virgin

Aug. 20: St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Aug. 24: St. Bartholomew Apostle

Aug. 25: St. Louis

Aug. 28: St. Augustine of Hippo

Aug. 31: St. Aidan

Sep. 8: Nativity of the BVM (Catholic)

[Sep. 10: Alexander Crummell (HWHM)]

[Sep. 12: John Henry Hobart]

Sep. 13: St. Cyprian

Sep. 14: Holy Cross Day

Sep. 16: St. Ninian

Sep. 17: St. Hildegard (HWHM)

[Sep. 18: Edward Bouverie Pusey]

Sep. 19: St. Theodore

Sep. 21: St. Matthew the Apostle

Sep. 24: Our Lady of Walsingham (Catholic)

Sep. 25: St. Sergius

Sep. 29: St. Michael & All Angels

Sep. 30: St. Jerome

Oct. 1: St. Remigius

Oct. 4: St. Francis of Assisi

Oct. 11: St. Philip (HWHM)

Oct. 15: St. Teresa of Avila

Oct. 17: St. Ignatius

Oct. 18: St. Luke the Evangelist

Oct. 23: St. James of Jerusalem

Oct. 26: St. Alfred the Great

Oct. 28: Sts. Simon & Jude, Apos.

Nov. 1: All Saints

Nov. 2: All Souls

[Nov. 3: Richard Hooker]

Nov. 7: St. Willibrord

Nov. 10: St. Leo the Great

Nov. 11: St. Martin of Tour

[Nov. 14: Samuel Seabury]

Nov. 16: St. Margaret

Nov. 17: St. Hugh

Nov. 18: St. Hilda

Nov. 19: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Nov. 20: St. Edmund

Nov. 22: St. Cecilia (HWHM)

Nov. 23: St. Clement of Rome

[Nov.: Thanksgiving Day]

Nov. 30: St. Andrew the Apostle

Dec. 4: St. John of Damascus

Dec. 5: St. Clement of Alexandria

Dec. 6: St. Nicholas of Myra St.

Dec. 7: St. Ambrose of Milan

Dec. 8: Conception of BVM (Catholic)

Dec. 13: St. Lucia (HWHM)

Dec. 14: St. John of the Cross (HWHM)

Dec. 21: St. Thomas the Apostle

Dec. 25: Nativity of Our Lord

Dec. 26: St. Stephen the Martyr

Dec. 27: St. John the Apostle

Dec. 28: Holy Innocents 

Service Times

Sunday Services

8:00 am - Said Mass in person only

A simple spoken service celebrated at a side altar

10:30 am - High Mass in person & on Facebook 

An elaborate sung service with choir, organ, acolytes, and incense 


 Weekday Services - Tuesday through Friday

9:00 am - Morning Prayer in person only

12:10 pm - Midday Mass in person only

Anointing for Healing offered Thursdays

5 pm - Evening Prayer in person only

Grace Church in Newark

950 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102

(973) 623-1733 /

Background images:

© Brian Kutner

Homepage image:

© Peter Kolonia

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