The Guild of Acolytes
Acolytes (or servers) participate in and facilitate all aspects of the mass at Grace Church. Acolytes carry crosses, torches, candles, and banners in procession, tend to the incense, directly assist the priest, and distribute communion during the High Mass on Sunday. On top of the Sunday High Mass, at least five other masses are celebrated throughout the week all of which require an acolyte to celebrate properly. The Mass is a communal act of worship, and so every acolyte has a role to play in the liturgy. Men, women, children, and all other kinds of people are encouraged to join the worship of our incarnate Lord as an acolyte at Grace Church.
Ushers and lectors are also organized under the auspices of the Guild of Acolytes. Although these roles generally stay outside of the altar rail, they are no less important in their proclaiming of the word of God and welcoming visitors joining us in worship.
To get involved in the Guild of Acolytes at Grace Church, please talk to a staff member, an acolyte or email office@gracechurchinnewark. Acolytes will start as a torchbearer or crucifer, with the opportunity to be trained as a thurifer or MC as ability and opportunity allow. Acolytes are expected to be available Sundays with reasonable exceptions, and for special weekday evening liturgies throughout the year.