Litany in Procession
Customary of Grace Church​
1. The ministers enter in the usual order as the choir sings the introit.
2. The thurifer, having entered the sanctuary, puts down the thurible. (It is not carried in the procession)
3. The MC (holding the cross), and candlebearers (still holding their candles), go to the seats along the south wall.
4. The readers and lay eucharistic ministers go to their usual places.
5. The asssisting priest goes to the credence, takes the litany book, and waits
6. The celebrant performs the Asperges, as usual.
7. When the celebrant arrives at the foot of the altar, the thurifer takes the holy water vat and puts it on the credence.
8. The procession forms like the normal exit procession, except that the MC and candlebearers stand outside the rails, and the thurifer (without the thurible) stands inside the rails.
The assisting priest (with the book) stands at the celebrant’s right
The MC (with the cross) and the candlebearers stand in the center, outside the rails
The thurifer (without the thurible) stands immediately behind the celebrant
The readers stand along the rail on the south side (to the right of the MC and candlebearers)
The lay eucharistic ministers stand along the rail on the north side (to the left of the MC and candlebearers)
9. The assisting priest begins the invocations (O God the Father, creator…)
10. At the conclusion of the invocations (O Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity...) the procession sets out.
11. It moves down the center alley, up the south aisle, down the north aisle, and up the center alley.
12. The MC and candlebearers put down the cross and candlesticks. The candlebearers go to their seats. The MC waits near the credence.
13. The celebrant and assisting priest bow to the altar together, but the the assisting priest remains on the pavement and concludes the litany while the celebrant goes up to the altar. (The final Kyrie is sung by the choir.)
14. The thurifer and MC approach the celebrant, who puts on incense and censes the altar.
15. The assisting priest returns the book to the credence.
16. If the celebrant has worn a cope for the litany,* he changes to a chasuble after the censing.
17. The MC leads the celebrant and assisting priest to their seats.
18. Mass begins with the Salutation and Collect of the Day.
* The celebrant may appropriately wear either a cope or a chasuble for the litany.